Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The dragon who stole the... by jade

The dragon who stole the.......
By Jade
Once upon a time there lived a boy and a girl there names were Thomas and Maya they lived in a castle in China they had a special pearl that was kept in a room.The room was empty it was all dark except a little light it had a box that had a five times lock it had a very special pearl the boy and girl had  nice dragon.As a pet he was really big but the dragon ate the girls homework.

The dragon ate the homework where he stays the girls homework is always there with the dragon .The girl always forgets to take the homework and put it somewhere else .At midnight when everybody is asleep the castle door opened softly

everyone was asleep when bad dragon came in.He knew where the pearl was,he always knew but he needed the right time to break in.And stole the pearl the dragon was scaly red like the colour of blood he had sharp razor teeth that if you put a little bit of dust on it .it will grind.The good dragon woke up but couldn't get out of the room.Maya woke up and ran downstairs to open the room with the dragon in it the chain had a lock and she got the key and unlocked the chain.The bad dragon stole the pearl and opened the door Thomas woke up and ran downstairs to his sister when they went to the room where the bad dragon was he was gone they saw the box where the the box where the pearl was the box was broken and there was glass everywhere on the floor and the box was gone as well.

Thomas said that we will get the pearl back again.Maya said ''yes'' but I don't know if dragon wants to.The next night Thomas woke up and put a hard piece of clothing it was silver and brand new. Maya put on jeans and a long sleeve singlet that was fire proof.Bad dragon put on a spray every night it was a fire one he put it on his tale and in his mouth. In case anything tried to attack him when Thomas Maya and good dragon came they hid near the tree.Bad dragon was flying around the castle planning something after the bad dragon went inside the castle to see if anyone was home and he found out that everyone was gone he came out of the castle and tried to find the kids and there dragon Maya and Thomas jumped out and got the pearl and quickly jumped off after they put the bad dragon in the dungeon...

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