Thursday, May 31, 2012

The life cycle of a shark By Jada.Gonzalez

All sharks are fish. A shark skeleton is mad from cartilage. It doesn't have scaly skin there are 350 species of sharks and they breath though their gills. All sharks are carnivorous. Female sharks have babies.

First, the female great white shark produce eggs, the male fertilises the eggs. During this stage, the eggs hatch inside the mother. At this stage, the shark pups eat the unfertilised eggs.

Following  this, the shark pups are born. Soon after the pups learn to hunt on their own. The first thing they eat are the weaker brothers and sisters.

At this stage, the shark pups turn into adult sharks and then the male and female mate to fertilise eggs again.

The life cycle of a great white shark has three stages. They are the egg, pup and adult. Great white sharks live up to 40 years.

The life cycle of a great white shark by Ross

All shark are fish sharks move slowly and quickly. It does not have scaly skin . It is a carnivore they have gills. Sharks have babies and then they turn into pups. Then the pups and then adults.  They come in different sizes and have diffrent names. Some shark jump for its prey if a fish is  jumping .

Firsly, when the great white shark make her egg the male will fertilises the eggs.

At this point the egg hatches inside the females stomach and the pups will eat the  unfertilise eggs. Pups will learn to hunt fortheir own food and they will eat the weaker pup and grow into an adult sharks

After a while the female and male shark will mate to fertilises more eggs

The life cycle of the great white shark has three stages, they are eggs, pups and adult. Great White Sharks can live up to 40 years.

The life cycle of a shark by Kiara

In the world there are 350 species of sharks in the world. A shark breathes from their gills. The female shark lays the eggs inside her. The great white shark skeleton is made from cartilage. The life cycle of the great white shark has three stages.

To begin with the male great white shark fertilise the eggs and the eggs hatch inside the female sharks stomach and the shark pups are born.

 At this point the sharks pups eat the unfertilised eggs.

Soon after they learn to hunt and eat the weaker pups and grow into adult sharks.