Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is graffiti art or is it vandalism? by Anika.

Graffiti is writing or pictures that are scribbled,scratched or sprayed onto a wall or public property.people recommend that graffiti is art while others believe that it is vandalism.


To begin with,many people think that graffiti is art therefore it can brighten up the streets. A further argument supporting the idea that graffiti is art is that graffiti artist can make an open air gallery for people to visit.


Secondly, others believe that, graffiti is vandalism because it cost's a fortune to clean up.another reason that it is thought that graffiti is vandalism because it is disgusting and can ruin buildings that people live in.the people that live in the houses are very cranky.


In conclusion, a common belief is that graffiti is vandalism as it  is very messy and can sometimes be offencive to others and there family.

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