Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Should tv be banned for todlers by Jayde

Many people believe that tv should be banned for todlers because it is a one way form of communication. Others believe that tv should be banned for todlers because it improves their imaganation.

Firstly, it is thought that tv should be banned for todlers because it can damage their brain.
Next,many people believe that tv should be banned for todlers because it is a one way form of communication.
Following this the common view of the public is that tv should be banned for todlers because it can give todlers mental brain disorders and will result with brain failures in their future.

Further more,it is recommend that tv should'nt be banned for todlers because it can help young imagrants learn the foren language.
A further argument is that others believe that tv shouldn't be banned for toddlers because it is good in moderation.
Finally,it is a common view of the public is that tv should'nt be banned for todlers because it is the parents choice of how much tv their children watch.

It stands to reason that tv can be good or bad for todlers according to how much tv they watch.

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