Hello readers of Jerusalem today as you know is Ash Wednesday today we will all be going to the church to get the ashes on our forehead. Today is a very important day so I would advise you to go to mass. Have a good day.
Palm Sunday
Good day people of Jerusalem today is Palm Sunday and today we will all be going down the street and laying palms on the road and saying hosanna while Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews rides on his donkey through Jerusalem. I hope you all come .
The last Supper
Good Morning citizens of Jerusalem today its the last supper , don't go near where Jesus and the disciples are because there having the last supper and I heard a roomer that apparently this is the last day for Jesus also in they little house they are apparently the body and blood of Christ. Have a great day.
The washing of the feet
Hello fellow citizens how are you today . Well here that right now is washing of he feet . Jesus is in there washing the disciples feet, but just then Jesus got to Peter ,Peter said he would not let Jesus wash his feet because Jesus was his teacher his leader and he should not be on the floor right now washing our feet .Well if I am your teacher then you should do exactly as I have done. Peter understood what Jesus was saying and he said OK and he let Jesus wash his feet when Jesus was done he said "now go out now and wash feet."
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