Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Big Bang: How a Star is made By Jayde

The big bang was the beginning of the universe it happened 13.73 billion years ago. No one knows what happened before it.

Firstly when the big bang happened it realised a huge amount of energy into a small universe. Because of all the energy the universe got bigger and bigger it is still getting bigger today. Then the energy turned into photons which spread across the

After a while some energy is turned into bosons. The bosons broke down into particles. Soon after the photons and bosons broke down into electrons and positrons which are like the opposite of an electron. Not long after the bosons broke down into protons, anti-neutrons, anti-protons and a result of this happening they lose energy and eventually glue themselves back together into protons and neutrons.

During this stage some positrons and anti-protons seem to get lost leaving a bunch of lonely electrons and protons with no matches. This means that they cannot bond or combine yet. Then the electrons and protons bind forming hydrogen atoms. Once there were hydrogen clouds everywhere which formed nebulas which soon made stars.

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