Thursday, September 20, 2012

The life cycle of a panda By Jada

A panda is a mammal. Pandas live in china and they eat bamboo trees. Pandas are endangered.

Firstly, the male and female mate. Then, the male fertilises the eggs so the eggs can hatch. Not long after, a baby panda is ussally 120 grams

Firstly, the baby panda are born without fur. After 1 month, black markings can be seen on pink skin. After 3 months, young pandas are furry. Following this, 3-4 months old they crawl. After that, 7 months they crawl and climb trees so now they can walk.

At 18 months, it leave it mother. At this point the adult panda live alone. In the end, the adult male panda mates with a female panda.

There are other species of pandas. It is the Red panda, sometimes called the Lesser panda or the Nepalese Red panda.

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